My article On The Twenty Aspects of Corruption. Corruption is a complex network of different practices prevalent in Pakistan at different levels starting from a layman to a ruler. Corruption has become a way of life and it infiltrates every segment of our society. The 20 different aspects of corruption are following as: Mega corruption, petty corruption, Nepotism, Favoritism, Abuse of power/authority, Abuse of discretion, Conflict of interest, Facilitation payment, Use of agents/ intermediaries, Bribery, Extortion, Embezzlement/fraud, Money laundering, Hawala/Hundi, Improper Political Contribution, Cover Quoting or bid Rigging, Anti-competitive Practices, price Fixing/Inside Trading and Fronting etc, published in Daily Parliament Times.

My article On The Twenty Aspects of Corruption. Corruption is a complex network of different practices prevalent in Pakistan at different levels starting from a layman to a ruler. Corruption has become a way of life and it infiltrates every segment of our society. The 20 different aspects of corruption are following as: Mega corruption, petty corruption, Nepotism, Favoritism, Abuse of power/authority, Abuse of discretion, Conflict of interest, Facilitation payment, Use of agents/ intermediaries, Bribery, Extortion, Embezzlement/fraud, Money laundering, Hawala/Hundi, Improper Political Contribution, Cover Quoting or bid Rigging, Anti-competitive Practices, price Fixing/Inside Trading and Fronting etc, published in Daily Parliament Times.


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