the Ideology of Pakistan

My article on the Ideology of Pakistan. Since the inception of Pakistan, it has always become important of world political events owing to its geographical and geo-strategical location. Although, Pakistan has to bear the brunt of these events in the form of non-traditional security threats because of traditional security threats. However, the other side of the coin is that Pakistan isn't only facing the threats from international politics but also enduring the indigenous political instability. Apart from this awful aspect, there were many doctrine had been introduced in the history of Pakistan (Ayub's doctrine of capitalism vs communism, Bhutto's doctrine of socialism, Zia's doctrine of Islamization and Musharraf's doctrine of liberal and secular country) which has bred many indigenous political rivalry among the nation and wrapped up the original doctrine of unity of Pakistan into division. The lethal doctrine of Zia brought forth the sectarianism and ethnicity in the country, which had divided the nation into two sects of Shia and Sunni. It is the high time to revert to the real ideology of Pakistan if we want to resolve our standing issues at national and international levels.


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