the importance of Social Sciences

My article on the importance of Social Sciences published in World Times Magazine. In reality, in our education system, the society places high importance to medical, natural sciences and engineering studies. Subjects of social sciences are discouraged and consider them less intelligent and dull-minded. Subjects of Natural Sciences are always considered as subjects of serving people. In developed countries, the subjects of social sciences are considered as subjects of the ruling class. Indians are proud of colonial jobs that lead them to serve people’s knowledge that is in natural sciences. Unfortunately, after independence, the colonial mindset and social structure which we owned wholeheartedly did not change and the cycle is repeating itself. There is a hell of a difference between the education and mental approach of the elite class and ruled people. The reason is simply that the scion of the ruling class is the students of social sciences while the ruled community happy to own the subjects for serving people in the form of natural sciences. Firstly, due to the colonial approach, we are getting a sense of inferiority for reading social sciences as students as compared to natural sciences with the perspective of the job.


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